I have no clue what my next project should be!
A new Aquaman Episode perhaps?
A new World of Glory Game?
Poley and Waffle the Lost levels?
A random Pokemon game?
btw Mariocraft is beggining to get laggy with all the blocks and stuff, Im not sure if flash can handle that many movieclips at one time (Every block is a movieclip) so I'm not sure if I should go beyond version 0.4 However if it's not laggy on your computer tell me. Because then I'll most likely keep working on it.
Well Im Weighing my options between an Original game which the current title called "Roka Quest" and a Pokemon Game that currently has no title. Both are Action RPG-ish Genre.
im thinking a random pokemon game XD just because im "that kind of nerd"
what kind of "random pokemon game" did you have in mind? :P
Probably action RPGish. Like RPG elements but with free movement. Still not sure of the main character though. I've got my mind on either My favorite Pokemon "Charmander"the over popular "Pikachu"or Pokemon #1 "Bulbasaur"