Artist and fledging Game Developer. Former bad flash boi.

IIShots Entertainment @cackletta

Age 28, Male

Joined on 7/28/07

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cackletta's News

Posted by cackletta - July 29th, 2012

Currently the only people testing this game are the two creators myself and Dave. We would much definately prefer more than what we have. All you have to do, is personal message me saying you'd wish to Beta Test it or follow the instructions on the video. Whatever you prefer. You will get your name (Username or real name, whatever you'd prefer, let me know in the PM or whatever) in the end credits of the game if you do. Plus a shout out in future videos.

Click to See More SaruWashi Tako Gameplay!

Posted by cackletta - July 27th, 2012

Well I figured I should probably show you guys how far SaruWashiTako development has gone since the last update. I know I've shown you a couple pictures, but pictures aren't good enough. So... SHAZAM!

How does it look? Make sure to give criticism in the comments. In fact I'd rather you nit-pick at the negatives then just say "THIS LOOKS AMAZING!" Don't be afraid about sounding mean, because I'm really curious on how other people may view this game.

Posted by cackletta - July 10th, 2012

I may suck at flash my dear friends, but I have improved a lot over the years. Some may disagree some will agree. Well to have all of you agree with me, here is a video I made showing you several flash projects I made in 2009 that I never uploaded to the world wide web!

Yeah... so take that!

Posted by cackletta - July 3rd, 2012

Well I think it's about truckin' time to update you on SaruWashiTako! The last update was so long ago, the game looks nothing like the previous post! Below are four new screenshots for you to look at, since I was to lazy to record gameplay footage this time around. I've been working on it quite a bit now that schools all over with.

Reception on that Yoshi game was pretty bad. Ah, well, can't please em all right?
Also if you want more exclusive updates and just random Krap, Follow me on Twitter! You can get there by going to My Website since if I post a link to my Twitter here it just leads to www.Twitter.com! IZ GON' BE A FUN TIEM!

Also thank Dave for the levels, art and characters. In fact, when this game is done, forget me and give Dave a high-Five because seriously, he did most of the work. I just put the pieces together and program the enemies and stuff.

SaruWashiTako Update

Posted by cackletta - January 20th, 2012

Well I've finally begun my next project! Muksmiduulit has also agreed to help out with this project, infact if anything, most of the credit should go to him as the main concept was his and he is doing the art for levels and the characters. I'm simply programming it and making level designs for him to draw. This is also the first game going under my group name "PurpleSquid Productions" so it will be promoted on my YouTube channels under PurpleSquid Productions.

I'll be sure to keep updating my profile here on Newgrounds.

Posted by cackletta - December 26th, 2011

I am currently developing A Remake of the First World of Glory (which sucked) but this remake is going to be on par with "World of Glory: New World" if not better. I can already tell, from the progress i've made on this remake (Which will be titled "RE: World of Glory 1") that I am improving on quality of game making.

However this remake will be the LAST World of Glory related flash on here. I was originally planning to make plenty of sequels, but I cannot build off from a bad start. Although this remake is of higher quality then the original, I cannot change it's storyline, so the storyline is still poor. This is why I choose to end World of Glory after this remake is uploaded here.

After World of Glory, what else would you like to see? I have adapted to PLATFORMERS so I choose to stick to that. What type of Platformer would you like to see from me however? Another Action-RPG or something more classic like Mario and Donkey Kong Country? Feel free to post your thoughts please.

Posted by cackletta - August 10th, 2011

Yes a Donkey kong fan game.
We need more decent DK games here on Newgrounds. I'm not neccisarily doing this because I want to or anything, i'm doing in mostly because of the lack of good DK styled games on Newgrounds.

Posted by cackletta - August 5th, 2011

Nate's Judgement has finished Production. It was more of just a test for some features. Mostly the Shop feature and changing weapons feature that are sure to find there way into more games now. You can now rate it on Newgrounds or here

Posted by cackletta - July 24th, 2011

Aquaman Episode 9 is eventually going to be released, but since this Episode is going to be much greater quality than usual, it will take some time.

Instead I've been working on a World of Glory related game called "World of Glory: Nate's Judgement."

It's a spin-off game that dosen't follow the storyline. Basically you play as Nate and kill stuff. Here's the first Demo.
There are things that I am for sure going to release for the next Demo

- More Enemies of Different Variety

- Will add Money

- HP Restoration Items (can be bought with money)

- New Weapons (You must Buy!)

- A Boss (This is just a maybe, but if so, you will encounter this boss at 1000 points)

There are also things that will change at the FINAL version

- Scenery Changes after a certain ammount of points

- New levels?

And let this game be the best World of Glory game yet
(Despite the fact it's totally a different style compared to the rest.)

Posted by cackletta - May 14th, 2011

Currently no progress on Aquaman, but it's for a good reason.
Well im proud to say that when you type in "Poley" on google one of the options of the search is "Poley and Waffle" which clicking that leads to many links of stuff I did before, and now. Mariocraft is sadly, cancelled. It was going so well, but then a virus attacked and I lost the file. I could restart from scratch, but I'll have to wait to get the motivation to do that. umm I think thats all I need to talk about. Oh and uhh. World of Glory series... uhh.... aha no work or thought what so ever on that franchise... sorry. I had a remake of the original game going, but the virus took that file's short lived life too... whatever no enemies were even programmed in it yet it was merely a level and a character.

Please visit the following links. (Especually the ones with * beside them)
Poley and Waffle Comic SEASON 2 Download

Poley and Waffle website*

Cackletta wiki*
http://cackletta.wikia.com/wiki/Cackle tta_Wiki

Poley and Waffle Comic SEASON 1 Download

My youtube Channel*
http://www.youtube.com/user/cacklettan ewgrounds